Monday, 19 April 2010

Pistols at dusk

Another sneak peek into the eventful life of Jack Ember - or possibly I mean John Spark. Keep collecting these and eventually you'll have the whole of the Winter book. Incidentally, notice the Doc Strange influence?


  1. Jack Ember; John Spark ... hmmmmmm I think I can see where this is all glowing ... erm ... going.

  2. I'm still not sure what Dougy McNab's new name is going to be in "Fabulosia: The 365 Days of Miracles". Well, I had one idea but you're not supposed to base characters on real people... 'nuff said!

  3. Hmmmmmm ... well if it's who I think it might be Dave, it might have involved a little bit of redrawing on Leo's part.

  4. Actually I can reveal it was a very dodgy chap who we encountered some years ago while working in television - I'd better not even say which b/caster, except that McNab has enough of this fellow's verbal mannerisms that friends of his would probably spot a resemblance. I think his own ego would blind him to it, however!
