Thursday, 9 February 2012

Green comet soars to new worlds with Graphicly's new platform

Leo and I just got off a Skype call with Conor Kilpatrick of digital comic store Graphicly (also part of the iFanboy team), who had some exciting news about Graphicly's new across-the-board digital publishing wizard. This can take a comic like ours and convert it to multiple formats for Nook, Kobo, Kindle, iOS, and so on. It's kind of what Smashwords does with ebooks, Graphicly can now do with e-comics.

While we love our bespoke Mirabilis iPad app, and still think it's the best darned comics reader out there, we've long wanted to broaden our distribution. Long-time comics fans are happy enough buying individual issues, and we went to a lot of trouble to make the Mirabilis issues look as cool as the comic books we loved growing up. But many people who bought an e-reader just want to go to the store and buy the whole book, so for this new venture we'll be packaging the issues together in collected form. It's like trade paperbacks, only in digital format.

By taking this step with Graphicly, we'll get Mirabilis into the iBookstore, Kindle Store, even onto Facebook. Hope to see you there!