Ever thought novels ought to have soundtracks? I have to admit, it's not something that ever occurs to me when absorbed in a good book, but I do occasionally use music as part of the writing process. On the site for her novel
My Memories of a Future Life, my wife
Roz has a series called
"The Undercover Soundtrack" in which she talks to authors about the music they use to unlock the muse. In her own words:
"If a novel could have a soundtrack, what would it be? Writers often have a secret ur-score that helps them shape their world, understand their characters and unfold their story."
This week, Roz talks to fantasy author Katherine Langrish, acclaimed author of several fantasy novels for children and young adults, including
the Troll Fell trilogy. For her latest book,
Dark Angels (US title
The Shadow Hunt*), Ms Langrish used the troubadour songs of southern France as part of the creative process; "I needed the plangent, plaintive music of the 12th century to understand my lead character's pain," she explains.
Odd btw that the US edition has a much more evocative title, but is marred by a cover that seems to have been taken from a Mills & Boon bodice ripper of the early 1950s. Don't look (via the Amazon US link above) unless you have a high tolerance for saccharine and chintz. The UK cover, which you can see here, is no Mozart symphony but at least I'd say it passes the old grey whistle test.