Thursday 20 October 2011

"I'm just a bookseller and I want my corners"

The future doesn’t look rosy for the big bookstores. Less than three out of every ten books sold last year were rung up on the tills of chain stores like Waterstone’s. And that’s print books. When you factor in the accelerating rise of digital books and comics, online book sales are whittling away at those meager profits that have so far kept booksellers on the high street. As the Economist put it recently:
“Publishers rely heavily on bookstores to bring new releases to customers’ attention and to steer them to books that they might not have considered buying. As stores close, the industry loses much more than a retail outlet. Publishers are increasingly trying to push books through online social networks. But [Brian Murray, chief executive of HarperCollins] says he hasn’t seen anything that replicates the experience of browsing a bookstore.”
So book publishers are getting squeezed? As an author, one of a group accustomed to being shoved around by the often rather bullying might of publishers, I might be expected to say cry me a river. Except that the river in question is Amazon, which owns the dominant e-reader, publishes its own books, runs a print-on-demand company widely used by small and self-publishers, and is pretty much uncontested in online book sales. That dearth of competition is bad for a lot of people, most especially the reading public.

Over the last few years, as online stores and supermarkets have chipped away at the dedicated retail bookstores, the high street browsing experience has diminished. Publishers respond with ghostwritten celebrity books and genre works of dubious quality. It is the mid-list, backed by editors with experience and gut feeling, where we traditionally find quality writing and interesting surprises. Strip that away and the future of fiction is pulp. But mid-list titles are the least likely to sell away from the high street. Online shopping pushes you ever-tighter into genre-based recommendations, supermarket shopping favors easily recognizable trash.

If bookstores close, how will publishers catch the passing trade? Tesco, a grocery company, have recently been trying an interesting experiment in South Korea. Faced with the problem of fewer stores than their competitors – and aware, as Mr Murray is, that people don’t shop so enthusiastically or so eclectically in front of a computer – Tesco put up display boards on the subway that replicated the look of grocery display cabinets. While waiting for their train, commuters can fill a virtual shopping trolley by scanning the QR codes of the products they like. Impulse buying has never been so painless.

Online stores so far have focused very much on a Microsoft (desk) rather than Apple (roving) model. Yet the exciting thing about where personal computing has been going in the last few years is that it’s out of the study and in your pocket. People like to shop out in the world, but they don’t like to lug heavy bags home. Imagine a world (it’s not far off) where the high street bookstores and comic shops have gone. Instead, at a much lower cost, publishers and booksellers put up posters and virtual bookshelves with QR codes that direct us to where we can browse, discuss and buy the books.

Publishers have done a little in this direction so far, but they don’t seem to grasp the full potential. One recent book poster on a London railway platform sported a QR code that directed customers to the book’s trailer on YouTube. Dumb, dumb, dumb. The moment I took out my phone to scan the code, the publisher should have been closing the deal – not directing me to yet more publicity material designed to hook my interest.

I’ll tell you who the QR selling model would benefit most: a would-be rival to Amazon like Britain’s Book Depository or Barnes & Noble in the USA. Currently Amazon have a Herculean grip on the Nemean lion of online book sales. But the online book market is set to more than double in size over the next ten years, so there’s a lot still to play for. Also, there really is no good reason for rivals to be scared of taking Amazon on. None of the technology involved is untried; all that is wanting is vision and ambition.

Admittedly those are not qualities often associated with book publishing, which in the last year or two has looked increasingly paralyzed by present shock. But booksellers are traditionally a nimbler breed. For the sake of the quality and variety of the books and comics we read as much as their price and availability, it’s time for the booksellers to get out there and pitch their QR-emblazoned virtual stalls in the high street space. Because that’s where the readers are in a mood to buy, whether it's a pint of milk or War & Peace.


  1. Hmm... I wonder if something like this can be incorporated within the traditional bookstore as well as everywhere else?

    Great post by the way!

  2. I guess it could - for as long as those bookstores survive, anyway. I lament the passing of physical bookstores, but I realize I'm part of the problem. In times gone by I'd stagger home from my local bookstore laden down with books, nowadays I buy almost all my books online. Yet I still (guiltily) go into bookstores to browse for new stuff.

    At least I can claim to be blameless when it comes to comics. I loyally supported my local comic store for twenty years, but sadly they've now closed down.

  3. A while back I was suggesting my own model for the future of the bookshop (which has both simiarities and differences to your idea). The big bookshop is doomed - but if publishers other than Amazon want to remain a force in the industry they could do worse than attempt to clone the Apple store - providing a resource for their readers and a space to advertise new books rather than worrying where exactly the books get sold

  4. btw, nice quote at the top of the post :)

  5. Hi Ben - re your idea of the publisher-specific bookstore, it would work best for somebody like DAW, I guess, ie tied to a specific cluster of genres - but then, it's the genre the customer is looking for, not the publisher label, as authors may move freely between publishers. Back in the day, there was a Penguin bookstore and I can even remember the Macmillan store (right next to their editorial offices in Chelsea).

    I guess I would have said that the specialized store was the future (if physical bookstores are to have a future) except that Murder Ink closed about five years ago. That was counter-intuitive; you'd expect to see the generalized chains go first. In the music retail business, it's those small- or non-chain specialist stores that have hung on best.

    I'm guessing my book buying experience is typical. I go into a physical store, spot some books I like, and I go and buy them online. Somehow we need a model that keeps that browsing experience. Maybe using augmented realty - I could stroll around with my iPad and then the whole of London becomes my library!

    James - ah, you spotted it :)
